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Розробник: Magnus Deininger

Topologic is a simple application that allows you to view different primitive polytopes in three to seven dimensions.

Ever wonder what an n-cube in more than 3 dimensions would look like? Seen animations of tesseracts on the internet and wonder what it would look like if you tried that in 5D? Or maybe these static animations proved confusing and youd just like to try things for yourself to get a feel for the whole thing.

No matter if you need to grok higher-dimensional geometry for your Maths, Physics or Computer Science course, or if youre just plain old curious. This app will let you explore more than just boring old tesseracts interactively, making it that much easier to gain a deeper understanding in that particular subfield of linear algebra. Itll even let you export some sciency SVGs to show off on your website or use on slides for your next presentation.

* View cubes, simplices and spheres in 2D to 7D
* View regular 3D moebius strips and klein bagels
* View sierpinski gaskets in 2D to 7D
* View sierpinski carpets in 2D or 3D
* Control the individual projection cameras for each dimension separately
* Control camera positions as either polar or cartesian coordinates
* Control the primary two coordinates of the camera by dragging the mouse over the view
* Set the colours used for the faces and wireframes
* Export your current view as an SVG image
* Re-import all the settings used to export an SVG image by opening that image